6 kg Cylinder
Also called the camping cylinder, the portable and lightweight 6 kg cylinder is ideal for camping and outdoor usage. It is also ideal for small families, and homes which need affordable and economical packaging for domestic usage.
10 Kg Composite Cylinders
The premium product of 10 Kg light weight fiber cylinder is recently introduced for household usage.
11.8 kg Cylinder
The 11.8 kg domestic cylinder is the standard size for household usage.
45.4 kg Cylinder
The commercial cylinder is designed for commercial entities such as restaurants and eateries. It is also suitable for homes which have high LPG consumption
Home Delivery
PPGL also offers a Home Delivery facility to domestic consumers in selected areas. For information please contact our Customer Care Department.
45.4 kg Cylinder
The commercial cylinder is designed for commercial entities such as restaurants and eateries. It is also suitable for homes which have high LPG consumption.
Multi-cylinder Manifolds are an ideal solution for commercial entities which have high consumption and require higher pressure and flow of gas. Manifolds are also an ideal solution for small scale industrial units where space constraints prevent the installation of bulk storage tanks.
200 kg Cylinder
200 kg cylinders are specially designed for businesses which have high off-take requirements but cannot install bulk storage tanks due to space constraints. These can also be installed in batteries to serve higher offtake requirments, while large scale commercial enterprises such as restaurants can also use this cylinder as an altenative to standard 45 kg commercial cylinders.
PPGL through its differentiated and value-added products, is offering unique solutions to meet the energy needs of its valued customers.
Bulk Tanks
The energy needs of industrial establishments are met by provision of safe-all LPG Bulk Tanks invested & installed by PPGL within customer premises. An efficient fleet of LPG Road Tankers ensures timely supply of Super Gas at customer site to ensure un-interrupted production.
These LPG storage tanks ensure peace of mind, safety and operational ease.
200 Kg Tanks
These tanks are specifically designed for small & medium enterprises having lesser consumption pattern & off-take requirement. These customers have space constraint but can be supplied through LPG Road Tanker, however require higher off-take than cylinders manifold.
Customers who needs clean fuel with limited inventory can even secure assured supply of Super Gas and get un-interrupted production.
To facilitate customers, who have space constraints for installation of Bulk Tanks or maneuverability of our road tanker or unable to implement our safety regime or have lower off-take requirement, PPGL offers a convenient and easy-to-go solution in which commercial cylinders are coupled in a manifold. It can easily install even in a limited place with relaxed safety regime.
Manifold ensures desired pressure consistently and enables all appliances run simultaneously without interruption.
FLT Tanks
These tanks are specifically designed to increase efficiency of industrial units using Fork Lift Trucks for load movement. The bigger capacity liquid off-take tanks lasts long – thus reducing down time and increase efficiency manifolds in a safe manner.
Super Gas is conveniently & safely filled through explosion proof filling pump supplied through Bulk Tank installed in customer premises. This helps in reduction of inventory costs in cylinders and provides hassle free solution to Production Managers.
Normally LPG boils out of vessel after getting heat from ambient temperature as per flow rate of valve. However during low temperatures or higher off-take of appliances customers face pressure drop problems. To avoid such situation and provide convenient solution, PPGL offers vaporizers that help in quick vaporization of gas as per demand and maintain gas flow as per load requirement.